Saturday, April 23, 2011

Have fun at Menteng Indonesia

One of Jakarta's most pleasing historical inhabited closed societies, Menteng today still reveals the original early 20th century Dutch apparition for the region. Glossy modern houses coexists with traditional majestic homes along restful tree-lined boulevards, offering Jakartans and tourists alike a glance into a previous era with some of the pleasures of its gentler pace of life. There is much to explore in Menteng, from its chronological buildings and antiques marketplaces to its stylish eating shops and sole retail outlets.

Music at Taman Suropati
This eventful little park is located in a horseshoe of spectacular and well-preserved 1920s houses that are now home to Jakarta's administrator and several ambassadors. It is famous for its statues by artists from  Asean countries. On Sundays or public holidays, it drawn courting couples and picnicking families, with artists selling their works, provisions vendors hawking gado gado (vegetable salad with peanut sauce) or fried tauho (bean curd), and street performer entertaining the crowd.

Come on a weekend and you'll find young musicians making sweet music with their violins, violas and cellos - and shows appreciation to Pak Ages, who organizes free melody lessons for kids. 

Bargain at Jalan Surabaya
Jalan Surabaya is an establishment in Menteng, and no antique collector or flea market buyer visiting the city should give this a miss. Small, orderly shops sit in a row along this one-way avenue, offering everything from brassware and stranded china to classical instruments and leather tools. Be prepared to be overwhelmed by some light-hearted bargaining. Don't be astound to see workers squatting on their tenderloins a few meters away, shamelessly ageing the wares with shoe polish.

My favourite stall is number 109 where you'll find Pak Tizar using photographs of real people to make scary realistic stiff puppet replicas or wayang kulit. Ask to see the photos of the puppets presented to public figures, regulators, and even US President Barack Obawa.

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