Saturday, September 18, 2010

Health precaution during travel – water & food

Many visitors suffer food poisoning while in oversea. The problem isn't the water and food, it's the bugs and microorganisms that are swimming in it, or climbing and breeding on it. Local inhabitants have usually built up a natural immunity to the infections, so they easily shrug off any bacteria and virus. A tourist can arrive to the desired place to visit, take one sip of water and then be so ill from an infection that they spend the rest of their holiday in bed.

Holiday ailments like the infamous "Delhi Belly" is not inevitable. If you follow some simple rules on hygiene, food and drink, you are greatly reduce the risk of suffering from these infection.

Bear in mind that in fact simple infections that case diarrhea and vomiting can lead to dehydration and ultimately to significant complications. Little children and the elderly are exceptionally susceptible to dehydration.

You should be able to avoid the usual stomach upsets by taking some straightforward precautions:

a. Closely observe basic hygiene rules. Clean your hands when you have been to the washroom and before you eat and handle food. Make sure you use good quality soap and a clean towel.

b. Any raw food is potentially contaminated. Do not purchase raw food that is exposed to the touch in shops and wet markets. It is also exposed to flies some other insects. Don't buy it, use it or eat it.

c. If you want to risk eating salad, wash it by yourself, using clean boiled an cooled water and boiled water.

d. Remember that hot food served on dirty containers and with dirty cutlery, or drinks made with local water, can all infect you.
e. Ice is water would be another probable contaminated item, so avoid ice cubes and an ice made desserts for you or the kids. They could be made with unhygienic water.

f. Similarly, avoid ice cream and yogurts. They could be swimming with risky bacteria.

g. Even if you can't see into the kitchen, if the rest of the place is overrun with flies, the kitchen most likely will be too. Find somewhere else to eat.

h. Observe how clean were the waiter's hands when he handed you the food you ordered.

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